Time is money, which is why we assemble to the fullest extent possible and test-run your metal fabrication before shipping.
Your dedicated, Southern Metal Fabricators point of contact is committed for the life of your project, from design to delivery.
We’ll work with your preferred metal type for any structural, architectural, or decorative project per your industry standards.
From small transfer carts to immense bulk hoppers, we’ll ensure accuracy and quality are built in from the start.
Working with technical inspectors from Intertek and World Testing, we have created a robust Welding Procedure Specification and set of shop procedures.
We are officially registered with the Canadian Welding Bureau and follow the rigorous W47.1 and W59 CSA welding standards.
Our WPS conforms to ASME Section 9 and we can fabricate custom steel tanks according to the API-650 standard.
Our welder certifications meet the American Welding Society AWS D1.1 (carbon steel), AWS D1.2 (aluminum), and AWS D1.6 (stainless steel) standards.
Image credit: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services